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Lostwithiel Town Council Neighbourhood Plan

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

The Town Council believes that it is important for the future of Lostwithiel that we prepare what is known as a 'Neighbourhood Development Plan'.  At the Town Council’s request Cornwall Council have designated Lostwithiel a 'Neighbourhood Area' in accordance with the law introduced in 2012.

The Town Council would like to see a plan that runs until 2030 to coincide with the Cornwall Council's Cornwall Local Plan. 

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?  It’s a document that sets out how development is controlled for a particular area in the future. It has to comply with national and local policies, but it gives local people a much bigger say in how these policies are put into effect.  It has a legal status and must be taken into account when considering planning applications in the future.  

While the Town Council will manage the process of drawing up our plan it has to involve the whole community. When it’s complete the people of Lostwithiel will have the final say because it must be approved in a local referendum.

The Neighbourhood Plan has to be in 'general conformity' with National & Local Planning Policies.  Links to the main documents are listed below:-

National Planning Policy Framework

National Planning Practice Guidance Portal

Cornwall Local Plan

Neighbourhood Plan legislation can be accessed via the following links:-

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015     

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) and Development Management Procedure (Amendment) Regulations 2016